Someone is all dressed up with her arm around Santa Clause and it’s not me. Perry’s Mom has lived in various houses throughout her life, but she moved to an apartment complex around 5 years ago. The apartment complex has an activity room and they offer residents different activities according to the time of year. Good thing she didn’t have to go outside to meet Santa — her feet would’ve frozen. 😉

Lifestyle can sure change your appearance!
For as long as I’ve been around, Perry’s Mom has been totally obsessed with her grandkids. Her involvement with them (especially the 7 from Perry’s sister) left little time for herself. As they grew up — and she grew older — her lifestyle took a drastic turn. And so did her appearance!
You’d never know this is the same person.

The recent photo of her with Santa is how she looks 10 (maybe 15) years older than she was in the photo above. If getting older means you take better care of yourself, life can still be pretty darned amazing. Just ask Perry’s Mom.
Now you know: Quebec’s ban on toy and fast food ads directed at children under 13 has contributed to a reduction in childhood obesity rates.