Hugo’s surgery yesterday was no big deal at all. He’s not even noticed what he no longer has, and I didn’t spend the night awake with a puppy that was in discomfort. While he did look a bit rough when he came home yesterday, he’s just fine this morning.

Spaying is either 100 times worse or my female dogs are big babies.
Dharma and Merida were spayed at the age our vet suggested, and when they came home they were days away from feeling normal. Dharma was more dramatic, but it was obvious neither felt great for days.
Hugo is tougher than my girls. Dare I say more manly even after surgery? The smaller incision size and less invasive procedure is likely the reason he’s doing better much more quickly, but I’m still going to credit him for not being a baby.
The water hose incident…
As I waited for Dr. Rennekamp to bring Hugo to the room they had me waiting in, I heard a ruckus on the other side of the door. And when he brought Hugo to me, he was soaking wet. They tried to wash him off before delivery and he attacked the hose — he grabbed and shook it spraying those near him. 😬
I was assured 100 times that Hugo’s aggression is fear related and he didn’t need any different treatment than any other dog undergoing surgery.
Today, Hugo already feels good enough to help out in the kitchen.

Notice he and Merida want to be right where I need to be? This dog mom to 3 dogs gig can be overwhelming at times.
Now you know: There’s a degenerative brain disorder called fatal familial insomnia (FFI) that causes a person to lose the ability to sleep and eventually die.