Y’all probably think I’m talking about current events, but no! While I am interested in the senate confirmation hearings and am watching those, I’m talking about the Merida & Hugo team. Their game is strong.
Merida is smart — she knows how to make things happen.
Merida is likely the smartest dog I’ve ever owned. Not only does she open the treat drawer (and close it) — and is a pro at distracting Hugo with a toy only to get a human to pay attention to her as he trots off with it — she also manipulates the other two hounds to accomplish all her objectives. Her primary goal is to get my butt out of bed before daylight and she succeeds on most days with help from her tribe.
It takes about 2.5 hours every morning to get to this point…

Of course, by that time I’m wide awake with no thought of picking up another couple hours of sleep.
The typical suggestions on how to deal with chaos and disruption don’t apply in this instance.
For example: Pause before reacting does not work. I try to ignore the little shits but that results in disaster. Focusing on controllables is a joke because I can’t control the menacing tag team of disruptors. The best I can do is concentrate on what I can control and let go of the things beyond my influence.
In summary, Merida and Hugo win because of their determination and perfection of techniques that result in chaos and disruption. 😴
Now you know: Finland has a unique “day fine” system for speeding tickets, where fines are calculated based on the offender’s income, making penalties proportionate to one’s earnings.