happy 3rd birthday to Perry!

Feb 24, 2025

Looking through all my numbered candles to put on top of a birthday cake, I didn’t have a single number 5 in the bunch. I had a 3, so I stuck that on top of Perry’s birthday cake and placed 5 small candles around it to represent the decades. It sure looked like 53 to me, but not to Colette who gave poor Perry a really hard time over it.

happy birthday Perry!

Yes, we sang… if that’s what you’d call it.

Ben started the song off in a key that made it nearly impossible for me to join in. You’ve been there too… right? It’s too low to hit the proper notes and follow along, but if you try singing an octave higher you can only reach a portion of the words of the song.

I don’t know what Perry wished for when he blew out his candles. Just in case it was hair…

Perry has hair!

Sure wouldn’t want him to be disappointed on his 3rd birthday. 😉

Now you know: In 1986, two-and-a-half-year-old Michelle Funk drowned in an icy stream in Utah. She was submerged for more than an hour and was clinically dead — but the cold water chilled her down to 66°F. That temperature was enough to stave off brain damage and after waking up, she reportedly “went on with her life.”