40 years is a long darned time

Mar 2, 2025

Jerilyn & Tader have been married 40 years! FORTY YEARS!

Surprise party!

Jonathan and his wife, Ashley, along with Katie planned a surprise party at the VFW to celebrate. There were so many people there I had to park a bajillion miles away. It was wonderful to see all my family and friends.

I should’ve taken more photos — but I did get one of classmates. ❤️

NaLona, Tammy & me

And one of Jerilyn…


Katie sent this one so we at least know the happy couple were there together. 🙂

Tader & Jerilyn

Happy anniversary, Jerilyn & Tader — here’s to 40 more!

Now you know: Gorillas fart almost nonstop due to their fibrous diet.