Hugo has transformed into a great escapologist in just a few short days. The starving dog looking for a home and found me now wants to entice the rest of the pack to make a break for it.
On his 3rd escape from the yard yesterday, he ran along the fence so Merida (still on the inside) would chase him. This little fella has been on my last nerve for 3 days now.

Training collar remote is now easy to reach and is on the ready.
Hugo has been beeped and even vibrated with his trusty collar — but he’s not yet been shocked. That is in his future for sure. Probably sooner rather than later.
I thought I wanted him to stay smaller — thinking “I hope he stays the size he is right now.” That was before he found that he could slide that scrawny frame through a crack the size of a dime.
He’s faster than a speeding bullet!
And he can leap tall buildings (and crawl under fences) with a single bound…

Now you know: In 1989, a man bought a painting for $4 at a flea market and discovered an original copy of the Declaration of Independence hidden behind it.