the one morning i could sleep… i couldn’t. ARG!

Mar 9, 2025

After I’d posted yesterday that there would be no 2:00 AM with the DST change, I couldn’t believe my eyes when my watch said it was 3:00 AM and I was still up. Brushing my teeth before crawling into bed is when I remembered DST had struck and there really WAS no 2:00 AM.

Because Ben had to work, it was my responsibility to get Coco to meet her Mom on time in Franklin. I barely woke up in time. I’m not a big sleeper and when I actually can sleep it’s wonderful. I’ve never been a morning person.

This morning, I was sleeping so good when I realized I had to get up or be late. No time for lingering cups of coffee to get my morning jump started! After that, everything has felt off all day.

The good news is — I wasn’t late!

I even sent a photo to Ben at work so he would know I safely delivered the precious cargo. He doesn’t care if I make it back home alive — his only concern is about his baby. 🙄

Did today — the 1st day of daylight savings time — feel “off” to you too?

Now you know: Warren Buffett loves Coke so much that he drinks about five cans a day. As a major shareholder, he once joked that a quarter of his body is made up of Coke.