totally. whacked.

Apr 28, 2010

I get Google alerts for several things — names, book titles, ® and ™ that we own, etc. One of my alerts is for my own name. So this morning, I get an alert that I’ve been mentioned in a BLOG, written by the sister of a very nice girl I graduated high school with many years ago. I don’t know if I’ve ever even spoken with this particular BLOGGER personally but I remember her being older than me in school, and thought at the time she was intelligent and witty. So I click on the link Google provided and end up reading a post about how I’m one of her top 5 fans. Whaaaa?

To summarize, she writes that I’m visiting her blog on average of 12 times per day for the past several months, but skip a day now and again. While I do utilize Google Analytics on the web sites that I create, those numbers are used to track trending and bandwidth pulled from offerings. I would never, ever be so unethical to publicly disclose visitor names and IP addresses — heck, by law it would take a search warrant to get the information she’s freely provided in her latest post.

But here’s my BIG problem…
I have a server. This is me:
Name Address:
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7

If this person with an ego the size of the sun says she’s got that information logged in the statistical data for her blog (other than from this morning — and once previously about 3-4 months ago when I was directed there), she’s a liar. Plain. Simple. And why on earth would anyone try to hide to read a public BLOG? C’mon now.

I’ve got too much to do for that anyway… we have a new baby calf that I had to photograph!

When I have time, I DO read some BLOGS… you might like them too:

  • Seth Simonds (Lifehack project)
  • Marinade Dave (the BLOGGER named in the Casey Anthony judge fiasco)
  • Erin Vey (dog photographer)
  • Seth Godin (Author, Agent of Change)
  • Get Totally Rad (I use their products — like PhotoShop? You’ll love this BLOG!) The latest tutorial should be of particular interest to some.

Other good stuff is out there too — blog posts written by friends/family:
Scott McKain, Mike Hall (Pines), Alisa, Sherry, and MEP

Enjoy — and have an awesome Wednesday!