happy birthday – you are zero

Jun 6, 2010

I knew that Ben and Amber had gone to the hospital on Friday and Amber was feeling really awful. At 8:11 PM, I got a text message from Ben that they were trying to stop her labor (again). I didn’t get the feeling the situation was any different than the one from several days prior. But at 8:37 PM, I answered the phone, and Ben simply said, “Get here NOW! We are going to have a baby! They are going to do a c-section.

Once I’m at the hospital, I get a text message from my friend, Sherry. Of course she had no way of knowing where I was and her message was about something else entirely — but she sends it about 10:30 PM (we don’t communicate via text messages often, and 10:30 is late for her). But here’s the really freaky thing… Sherry is the one friend always there at the exact times I’m dealing with really difficult stuff. For just one example, when Dad died, she was at my house when Mark (of Adams Funeral Home) called and asked if I wanted to see my Dad before the viewing the following day. Sherry and Mark stood beside me during that extremely hurtful time. How does she KNOW? Seriously!

I told her where I was and her next message said:
She’s got McKain running thru her veins…she will b ok. u have 2 be positive. She has u as a grandma and u are a fighter n I believe she is fighting 2. I know your Daddy is watching. Let me know if you need me 2 come and set with u.

How cool is that?

I’m so fortunate to have a few really wonderful close friends — all of which (including my brother) would do just about anything for me (Heck, I could ask Alisa or Jerilyn to dispose of a dead body and not worry for a second that they wouldn’t do it or that they would tell anyone afterward.) — it’s just that Sherry is the one (for whatever reason) who senses when I’m in trouble. I think that’s freaky and awesome all at the same time. Do you have anyone close that does that too?