Update on Mains vs. Erwin

Jan 19, 2008

Posted by Shelley
Just a quick addition to the Mains vs. Erwin saga — in a lower post I mentioned that Karen Mains is telling everyone that the photos (mug shots) she requested delivered to Buster by Postmaster, Carolyn King, were actually meant for Curt Kovener, Editor/Publisher/Owner of the Crothersville Times newspaper. Karen said the mug shots were to accompany a story that was to appear in his paper — that’s her excuse and she’s sticking to it. Well…am I the only one that finds it odd that there was no story on the arrest of the 2 individuals within the online version of the Times OR in the newspaper?

It’s not like there wasn’t room in this week’s edition for the newsworthy blurb. Go figure.