i need an organizer

Oct 19, 2010

Wouldn’t you think that since I earn my living on a computer I would know exactly where all my original disks are? Wouldn’t you think I would be organized with everything backed up? You would think…

In my defense, I had a really awesome 2TB Mac Time Capsule that performed backups automatically not that long ago. I still have it — but it’s dead in the closet.

So now, my primary Mac is dying a slow death and I’m getting more than a little concerned about my files and photos and all the stuff I’ve accumulated and worked on throughout the past few months. I don’t know what’s wrong with it exactly — but I do know that I’ve got stuff on there I simply can’t live without.

I’m currently locked and loaded with a firewire cable in an attempt to salvage what I can before I do the big wipe with the disk I haven’t found yet. I pretty much feel the same about this task as Ben does about moving…