i officially shopped today

Nov 13, 2010

As I mentioned yesterday — today was a set shopping day. I get a day off from the daily grind, and you’d think I’d get to ditch my co-worker — but no! Actually, I bribed Perry into going to the mall with me today by handing him the keys to the MINI. Every single time he drives it, he says, “I just love this car.

You’ll notice in the photo above, I have a pained, teeth-clinched smile. Have any of y’all ever ridden with Perry? I didn’t think so. Ended up, we spent around 4 hours at the mall. I made it home alive with 3 Christmas ornaments to show for the afternoon. I’m thinking it’s a good thing that it’s not December yet. We really did have a good time, even though the weather was less than cooperative!