On Friday, I get an email alert that someone removed me as a friend on FB. Now this someone (let’s call him Mr. XYZ) was married to my friend who passed away suddenly last July, about 7 months ago. Mr. XYZ and I became Facebook friends after her death, and if I recall, he didn’t have a page on Facebook prior to that. I worried that my lack of responsiveness (I hadn’t been on in weeks) had offended him.
Yanno…I always thought I liked Mr.XYZ. I figured he and my friend were a happy couple for some 11 years of marriage. He attended my brother’s wedding, I’d been to their home, and he made a mean margarita for me once during the Red, White and Blue Festival a few years back.
So I thought I’d send him a direct message, tell him that I was sorry we couldn’t be friends on Facebook (I mean, if you can’t be friends on FB, there’s a problem. I have friends on FB I wouldn’t recognize if I met on the street, much less carry on a conversation with in Wal-mart for crying out loud.), and tell him to take good care.
Over the weekend he got remarried, and as I consider the timing of me getting hosed as his friend, I’m not sure what that was really all about. Apparently, I was nothing more than a friend of his late wife. So why waste time on a friend like me? I guess he’s just too busy and important. Kind of like Charlie Sheen without the ‘Goddesses’, and the talk of rehab, and the custody battle, and the recent hooker incident. Unless there’s a hooker incident I don’t know about. 😉