Great in 08

Feb 7, 2008

posted by Shelley

My post from yesterday sparked a conversation between Perry and I about how the mere mention of LifeSavers brings back childhood memories. For the record — we both ate the yellow ones last, and fed the white ones to the dog. Here’s the only thing that I don’t get: if you look at the old packaging and compare it to the new logo and packaging, there’s an “O” added between the words ‘life’ and ‘savers’. Life-O-Savers? (Say that in your best Irish accent!) Here’s the comparison:
Ok, so personally I don’t like the placement, but the font change is an improvement.

And as promised from yesterday’s post, I wanted to touch on Landor Associates and Lightspeed Research’s recent release of a national survey examining Americans’ perceptions of high-profile brands expected to make headlines in 2008. The key highlights include the fact that Americans continue their obsession with online brands — Google, Amazon, eBay, YouTube, etc. — and those are expected to continue to be winners. Low cost retailers like Wal-Mart and Target did much better than their counterparts, Macy’s and the Gap. Airlines are expected to suffer and of course the home mortgage crisis has the biggies there predicted as losers (Countrywide and Fannie Mae) within this study.

While the results of this survey are probably come as no surprise, it should tell you a couple basic things if you’re a business owner:

  • You’d better have an online presence if you’re in business. Online time for everyone is increasing, and if you don’t at least have a presence, you can expect that your customers/clients will find your competitor that does. (Offering what your prospective client wants online would be a whole different post.)
  • With the increased price of oil and the socio-economic factors decreasing travel, if you can provide a valuable service online, you should consider doing so.

Ok, so maybe this post should’ve gone to my business BLOG instead of appearing here. 🙂