Differentiation in the election…

Feb 13, 2008

Posted by Perry

If you’ve been paying any attention to the Presidential primaries this year, you’ll undoubtedly have noticed that two candidates have separated themselves from their competition.

Senators John McCain, and Barack Obama, have gained nation-wide support for themselves among a multitude of voters and party leaders. Both were given little chance of winning just over a year ago and now find themselves (McCain especially) of being their respective parties nominee for President of the United States.

How have they managed to accomplish this? – they have used differentiation to distinguish themselves from the other candidates. Voters now feel that each one has a different message and will give voters what they REALLY want – change.

Senator McCain’s campaign was all but left for dead just last summer. McCain then began hammering away at being the only candidate who could reach across party lines to get things done – something his competitors could not do. He stressed his record of voting not strictly with his party, but for what was better for the country. His “maverick” persona has resonated with independents and with “Reagan Democrats” which has resulted in his huge delegate lead.

Senator Obama has differentiated himself from Hillary Clinton as being the one candidate who can bring real change to Washington. He has managed to paint Sen. Clinton as the “establishment” and one who would continue the era of what is wrong in government. Obama’s impressive showing is a direct result of differentiation and is now seemingly steamrolling him towards the nomination.

If you’re in any business, you also should be using differentiation to separate yourself from your competition. I have read a wonderful book by Scott McKain called “What Customers REALLY Want” that talks about differentiation and can honestly say it’s a MUST for any business! The views expressed by Mr. McKain are precisely what both Senators McCain and Obama have successfully used to position themselves as they have.

If you as a business are not using the power of differentiation, I submit to you the campaigns of these two Senators who have used it to garner tremendous success – it is a POWERFUL tool that can get customers to look at your organization in a different light than your competitors and help bring YOU the success you deserve!