I’ve been thinking about sharing a few of my favorite apps here for a week or so, but wasn’t sure which of the ones I love are also available for non-Apple products. I am a MAC girl. I swear Apple products are the best. ::Hand to heaven:: Perry might disagree because he’s into Blackberry garbage, but he’s wrong. Totally.
As I began to put together my top-favs list, I got a text message from my buddy, Alisa, suggesting I try out Dragon Dictation, an app I posted about in 2009, and have used occasionally for years. Not sure what Alisa’s doing in my head. Whatever, she was unable to change my mind on my top 5 selections (but she messed something up in there because her app still got notice here).
1. Zite
If you like to read, this app is incredibly sweet (especially paired with #2 below). It’s your very own personalized magazine filled (and refreshed) with the most current information as it pertains to the subjects that interest you. Besides my work staples — I also added celebrity gossip and luxury lifestyle into the mix of my reading topics. (Girls just wanna have fun.)
2. Read It Later
With a click of a button (after you create an account) this app lets you save webpages to read later, even without an internet connection. You can use the buttons they provide to incorporate into your favorite browser on your desktop or laptop, and your articles are wherever you are, and on any device you’re using at that moment in time. (Whoop!) If I’m browsing info in Zite (#1 app above) on my iPad on the couch and find something work related that interests me — I simply click the handy read-it-later icon, and it’s waiting on me at my desktop in the office.
3. Where’s My Water?
Move over Angry Birds — this alligator is way cool! I obsessed with this game until I got a perfect score on every challenge and uncovered every secret.
4. CloudOn
Far from sexy, but incredibly useful, this app basically gives you Microsoft Office on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.
5. PhotoToaster
Photo processing made insane with global presets for quick (and awesome) adjustment edits. Photo sharing of your final image is easy on all the social networking sites.
I hope to have new snow photos to share tomorrow…