Confessions of a WoW addict…

Feb 17, 2008

Ok – I admit it – I LOVE World of Warcraft!

One of the big tension relievers here at McKain Performance Group/Mckainerwin after a busy day of work is logging on to WoW to do battle against the evil forces of the Horde. The best part? – going into the battlegrounds. If you’ve never experienced it – you should!

The idea of a battleground is that two teams (we being members of the Alliance) are sent to a location to battle against other players. Now there are different levels of “bg” players -here are some examples…

The first type are the “HK farmers”. These people have no desire to actually win – but to get as many honorable kills as they can. They tend to care little for sticking with their respective group and can usually be found wandering the field aimlessly while charging headlong into any large group of opposing forces. Don’t look to these folks for help – you’re on your own.

The second type is what I call “the Strategists”. These guys form plans, organize groups, and shout out commands through the entire battle. They are all about winning the game and care little for HK. These guys expect you to do your part and are VERY opinionated. A bg lead by a great strategist can make for an awesome bg – while one lead by an incompetent one can lead to much frustration and character deaths.

The third type is one that Shelley and I fall under. The type that just loves wasting Horde (or Hordies as we call them). This type can go either way – from being eager “hkers” – to sticking to the plan to get a big win – we go for the love of the competition. The idea of matching our skill versus another players is what draws us to it.

So most days, after work is done, you can expect to find “Arienne” and “Sparrowcat” – those “Defenders of the Alliance” doing battle against the forces of the Horde. Below is just an example of what a BG looks and feels like. Give it a try and maybe we’ll see you there should you ever be on the Emerald Dream server.

“For the Alliance!”