I always think that I’ll do better ‘this year’ when it comes to my system of storing Christmas decorations. But I’m so ready to get my home back to normal that right after the holiday (yes, sometimes even Christmas night), I’m packing away the Christmas memories. Last year was no exception. As I look at ornaments haphazardly thrown into one big box I again proclaim, “I’m going to do better this year!”
Sorting through the ornaments collected throughout the years always brings a smile — all the ‘little Ben’ handmade items still go on the tree. Every year someone gives me a dated Hallmark one, and those too hold special memories. But this morning when I picked up a Santa head from the box, an ornament that I always thought looked so cool (he has the old Father Christmas theme thing going on), I wondered why the Hell I always liked him so much…
Tell me – does this Santa not look pathetically sad about something?? I wonder if he read the recent BLOG post on McKain Viewpoint…