I could go on and on in this post about the pathetic customer service that Verizon provides to its customers, but I’ll spare you the details. If you’ve ever had to call them about a problem, or if you’re a business receiving 1 call every day from Phoneware (hired by Verizon to push new offers you don’t want or need), then you have stories of your own. You don’t need mine.
You know how they say a picture is worth 1,000 words? Well… here’s 1K worth:
Yup – same as it was the day of the windstorm in early September even though I’ve called a bajillion times. And I spent 52 minutes of my AT&T cell phone minutes with Verizon today trying to figure out why my DSL won’t work. It probably would’ve been a bit quicker if my call wasn’t routed to India where both the employee and I had trouble communicating. But here is the good news! I’ve been elevated to level #4 status and was provided a new tech support phone number. The Verizon employee told me, “With this number, you won’t get routed to India, but will speak with American representatives.” Wouldn’t you think we all deserve that?