When we get warm weather in Indiana, we also get the possibility of really scary conditions as well. While we are enjoying sunshine and a warm breeze today (ok, high winds… so strong that they would back Coco up a bit), we have the possibility of severe storms late this evening and into the early morning hours — the worst of which is predicted to be at 3:00 AM or so. And that’s what I hate most.
When families are sleeping and unaware severe weather is about to hit their location, they simply aren’t as prepared as they might be if it were daylight and they were awake. I’m sure I’ve talked about owning a weather radio before, but it doesn’t hurt to mention it again. If you don’t have a weather radio — buy one. It will wake you up should conditions warrant it, and hopefully give you enough time to get to a safe location. In the meantime, please download the the official Tornado App from the American Red Cross for your Android or iPhone mobile.
If you don’t live in Indiana or places where spring can bring bad weather, good for you! Still, buy a weather radio — and send happy thoughts and wishes to those who do.