Right now in the outskirts of the ville, the wind from the southwest is averaging about 18 mph. The forecast says ‘breezy’… occasional gusts of 30 mph. Oh. And rain. And some thunderstorms. Looking at the little map on my weather app, I see lots of green and orange headed my way.
Earlier today wasn’t much different. When Coty took the photo to the left, it wasn’t his fault my hair didn’t cooperate — even though it was the first time he’d taken a photo with anything other than a phone. At least it was sunny! Enough to make me look like a blind person when my glasses darkened. That wasn’t his fault either. Hopefully, he’ll have a better subject to photograph next time.
These gusty wind days simply MUST be over by Thursday before I have to board an airplane. Never a fan of flying, it makes me more than a bit nervous when the weather isn’t next to perfect. From what I can tell, I’ll be leaving sunny skies with temps in the 30’s-40’s for sunny skies with temps in the 80’s. I guess that’s a plus.
If not for my best buds here at home, (4-legged ones included), I probably would never return. I’m headed to one of my favorite places on the planet.