Over the past several years, not one time has a Walmart Spark delivery driver taken my groceries to the wrong house. Not...
still winter and it feels like it today
Windy and MUCH cooler, it actually feels like winter today. Hugo was watching for the sun, but even after multiple tries he...
the storms missed the barndo, but Vallonia wasn’t as lucky
I was in bed by midnight last night... a record for me. I broke down and turned on the A/C and even slept through most of...
taking a 24-hour trip to Commonwealth Bay
Commonwealth Bay in Antartica is considered to be the windiest place on earth. Katabatic winds in Commonwealth Bay are...
the only thing I don’t love about radiant floor heat
The barndo has two heat pumps and 6 mini-split units PLUS it has an outside boiler with radiant floor heat. Because I'm not...
we’re at that time of year where we have at least 2 seasons in 24-hours
Yesterday was amazing! Temps peaked at almost 70° even though the morning started out in the low 40's. Here in southern...
in the morning, we’ll be skipping 2:00 AM
At 2:00 AM our clocks in Indiana spring forward to 3:00 AM. I'm not a fan of daylight savings time, but it's not something...
not a bird or a plane — it’s super Hugo!
Hugo has transformed into a great escapologist in just a few short days. The starving dog looking for a home and found me...
i can admit when i’m clueless (dumb)
I saw a post on X from RFK praising Steak 'N Shake for switching from seed oils to beef tallow. I've heard him express...