During the spring months, I feel like I'm spread as thin as cobwebs. When Mr. Pesky let me know that it was likely going to...
after retirement job search based on qualifications
I'm thinking I should go into the mowing business once I retire. I'm currently getting a whole lot of experience and figure...
the good and bad of summer heat
In southern Indiana, there are so many wonderful things that only happen in late spring and summertime. Pools open, trees...
if only we could go back in time
Merida, my 4-legged shadow, follows me everywhere I go. My bathroom and closet is upstairs since I moved my personal items...
did your momma teach you this one?
The experiences, lessons, and influences we encounter in our formative years significantly shape our perspectives, beliefs,...
are you one of the 19+ million adults?
According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, approximately 19.2 million adults in the United States alone are...
a time hop back to 3 years ago
Three years ago today, it was gloomy and raining when I awoke in Seymour, Indiana -- before the move to rural C'ville. I...
the old gray mare ain’t what she used to be
Yesterday, I finally admitted to myself and the world I simply can't do the same things I used to be able to do. The...
hummingbirds are like tiny little aviators
Come home, Brad! We've missed you... Hummingbirds at feeders create a whimsical spectacle! I love watching the iridescent...