I know the following complaint is out of my control, but rather than take my own advice, I'm going to complain anyway. But...
Still hovering at around 60°F with rain
Yesterday and today are almost twins. Yesterday, it rained about all day and through the night -- and today we can expect...
started out foggy but the sun won the day
When I got up this fine Sunday morning it was foggy. Like... expect a swamp monster to appear at any second kind of foggy!...
our oxygen level was probably reduced by 10%
I understand that controlling vegetation along county roads is important for safety, but I think in Jackson County,...
temperatures dropped over 35 degrees in a few short hours
Yesterday, I said if you could subtract by 8 you might be a meteorologist. That was just another false weather prediction....
if you can subtract by 8, you might be a meteorologist
Yesterday was a near perfect spring day even though it's not yet spring. It was sunny and nearly 75° F. Today, they're...
never underestimate the power of a woman – even an old one
I made room to store Katie's bed in Coco's room. Once she loaded it up to take it with her on her move to Tennessee, it was...
What to know if your favorite color is vivacious orange
Colette wanted the loft bedroom for hers when we acquired the barndo. She wanted more privacy and thought the loft was...
aliens in space captured in rare photo: run for cover!
Rural life can be dangerous. I should know. I had a near death experience with space aliens but lived to document it in a...