Yesterday was the 1st mowing adventure for 2023. Yard work is most difficult the first few times when you're whipping it...
58 is not 70!
Weather today was supposed to reach about 70 degrees and rain wasn't supposed to be here until tomorrow. But instead, it's...
4 reasons tiny homes are an increasingly popular option and why you need a barndo instead
There are several reasons that tiny homes have become increasingly popular in recent years -- and they are likely to grow...
power outages likely because of… yup, wind
Both electric companies where I have accounts sent out emails this morning. Both emails said power outages are likely. More...
merida hates turkey
Sitting at my desk in the dining room yesterday afternoon I caught movement next to the woods out of the corner of my eye....
a little more heat would be nice
The grass here needs mowed before it gets out of hand, but it's too wet. While I'm complaining, if it would warm up another...
I lost a day somewhere
Sharing these thoughts just after midnight, it's officially Monday -- but I spent the entire day yesterday not knowing what...
wondering if i can get disability because of a bad thumb
Did y'all know that in China, retirement age for women that work in factories is 50 -- and 55 years-old for white-collar...
Jeffersonville? You’ve got to be joking!
So I read an article yesterday that listed the 15 best places to live if your only income is social security. Lots of...