There's no perfect work life balance. There's always going to be a time you want more minutes with your family, friends or...
Business Thoughts
better get them zzzz’s for productivity – and don’t forget to exercise
Most of us don't get enough sleep. We know it's important, but for a bajillion reasons we typically get less than we...
bad service is profitable
If true, there are a few companies making a profit from me. My current complaint is Metronet. I'm about |-| close to the...
i like your shirt
The iPhone I wanted finally released. I ordered it on the Apple site and delivery was promised between October 1 and 8....
I paid almost $70 bucks to get sick
Out and about with my 2 favorites (Ben and Colette) on Saturday with food in mind. Colette picked the restaurant and we...
WTH moments… customer service fail?
UPS delivered 3 packages to me yesterday. After a few hours, I brought them in. While cutting the top open on the first box...
another data breach – ya can’t trust anyone…
The latest security breach in the news is that of Capital One. Data from more than 100 million US citizens (and 6 m...
don’t waste your time – how is that possible?
I read article about common sense mistakes you make on the job. It included a list of ten or so bullet points, but I only...
i am a wal-mart grocery pick-up rookie
I did my first grocery pick-up this week and it was amazing. I may never EVER go inside a grocery store again! Although...