If the image below wasn't just a screenshot... if instead it was a magnificent painting... it would have a name. A REAL...
Business Thoughts
just a gatekeeper?
I've talked before about looking to buy another house in my area and here I am, mentioning it again. I'm still looking....
learning from a do-over
I love video games, you guys. I played Toe Jam and Earl in the early 90's and have been through World of Warcraft, Heroes...
a deal for you–work from home and make lots of money
I received an email that included the following: “But the thing is, my bad days are actually pretty rare. And it’s not...
3 reasons I’m glad I’m not a realtor today
I'm sure that buying or selling a house in a large city would pose challenges that we simply don't face in Jackson County,...
disadvantages of working from home
There are a ton of perks when you work from home. People tell you about them all the time: You can throw in a load of...
it’s a top 10!
My favorite brother, that Scott McKain guy, has another book that made another list. His latest book, ICONIC, made Forbes...
to be more productive
A quick Internet search will reveal a bajillion articles that list tips to be more productive and get more done in less...
chips are all gone
Out and about yesterday, we migrated to the only restaurant we all agreed upon -- El Nopal. We eat there often and the...