I have a tendency to sound harsh in email correspondences and will admit I struggle with wording certain particulars. I'm...
Business Thoughts
Three, Seven and Ten
Have you noticed the overwhelming number of articles that have a number in the headline/title? You know... like, The 7...
top 5 workplace distractions when working from home
I read an article on Forbes that listed the top 10 workplace distractions and how to deal with them... from gossiping...
Comcast Fail
I've been experiencing issues with Comcast, my Internet provider, for quite some time. The point when I had no TV and no...
when you try too hard
Sometimes when you try too hard it comes off as insincere. At least it does to me... ME: Would you kindly explain how this...
2 wordpress plugin recommendations and Indiana weather
How's that title for variety? 🙂 I'm doing my very best to spice up your Monday morning AND give you something of value...
my best, shelley
I read an article on Mashable that said closing emails with "best" is bad. After going through how bad ALL the options are...
you need content — grab text from video
Certainly someone reading this will find the process I'm about to explain valuable at some point -- maybe there's an...
i wasn’t sure if I should order fried rice or a taco
Perry and I were hungry. We didn't want to drive, wait to be seated, or consume fast food so we decided on China Buffet...