Evidently, the only books and articles that get attention have numbers in their title. (That's why most everything we read...
Business Thoughts
welcome to my world
See that photo right there on the left? That's what I found this morning upon looking at my email program. Crazy, yah?...
keep your eye on the ball
It's important to give your attention to what you're doing at the time you're doing it. You know, keep your eye on the...
performance anxiety
Every single time I design or create something I get 'performance anxiety.' I'm talking about that uncomfortable time from...
yesterday was not my birthday
I woke yesterday morning to a message in my Facebook inbox that wished me a happy birthday and told me that FB said I was...
springing forward on monday
Spring forward and fall back. AND it's Monday. Not a fan of daylight savings time, I figure it's all about perception. Like...
personalized buying experience
They say that eyesight is the first to go as you age. I would agree. I have glasses with bifocals that work just fine...
honest to goodness fer real
I received my morning IBJ news in my inbox and glanced through the articles before hitting delete. I keep meaning to...
this one’s for…
Today I have yet again changed up the layout here. This one's for Ardell... Not until Ardell slapped me on the wrist...