I got an email today from our host company that serves as a pretty good example of spreading good karma. The email...
Business Thoughts
hate is too great a burden
Martin Luther King Jr.'s words remain as inspiring today as they were when he lived -- and just as relevant.
there are bunnies everywhere!
If you're looking for rabbits in the above photo you're not going to find any. You should instead see a proverb that is all...
1. steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. There is a tree I see while driving...
customer service on black friday
I'm not a BLACK FRIDAY shopper. I don't brave lines or fight traffic anymore (I did it ONE TIME -- never again). But I do...
they wanted to know me better
I am one of the many victims of Adobe's recent security breach. Attackers wanted to know me better! I first received an...
FINALLY, cats are old news
Apple products are dear to my heart -- but you knew that already. Cats, on the other hand, not so much. I am of the opinion...
go football!
We love the Colts around here... and while we are fans of Andrew Luck, we are of the opinion that Reggie Wayne is 'da man....
getting information that means squat
I got a call today right after lunch. A soft spoken female told me she was with Company "X" -- "X" being the name of our...