Scott McKain quoted today in USA Today! I am a proud sister. So I would've bonked him if I would've been with him in 1974....
Business Thoughts
imac screen cleaning – removing the glass
Today I cleaned the inside glass on my iMac computers. The process was cake! Behind every iMac screen is dust and dirt...
where are we going in this handbasket?
The 80-20 Rule is the Pareto principle and it states that 80% of the effects comes from 20% of the causes. It isn’t new....
ville escapes major snow and i was butt mailed
Here on the outskirts of the Ville we were lucky. No mass amounts of snow, and little ice has fallen since the winter storm...
pick your poison — at&t or verizon
I been a customer of both Verizon and AT&T -- and, y'all know I'm a MAC through and through. What you may not know (if...
job perks – list yours
I've mentioned before that I love what I do insofar as work, but I have to admit that I think I've found a company that...
take THAT mcdonalds
See what happens you ship a crappy, looks-like-it's-been-ate-off-of-already bun? The victims of your careless attitude...
the legacy you will leave
I read an article a week or more ago written by Mike Myatt. Since I'm still thinking about it, I wanted to share it with...
perry is bald
Every single day I'm grateful for the opportunity to work closely with Scott McKain, my favorite brother on the planet. Of...