If you've followed whatifitdid.com for long, you pretty much know what to expect. You expect to see my hounds, Libby and...
Business Thoughts
so i don’t have to?
Just a quick bit of information to share as I'm eating breakfast. So what if it's almost 3:30 in the afternoon? It's been a...
one more thing
Snow in the burg this morning, and Gracie's first move is to go outside and roll in it. Yesterday was a typical Monday. I'm...
surrender is a strategy too
"Never give up!" People say it all the time and others wear it as a badge of courage. There are times that you simply must...
do your job well
This morning I got up at my regular time and starting doing regular work. Perry made a couple of calls and no one answered....
how you look at it
I've had a few jobs in my life that I didn't like, and I'm pretty happy they are a distant memory. If I've learned anything...
every single time
Do you attempt to persuade others to do your work for you? Do you expect them to perform for you? Seriously, do you? I work...
wishing it away
I remember growing up, Scott's mother (heh) used to tell us not to "wish our life away". This normally came directly after...
the middle of crazy
Back to work 100% after the holiday season and I'm stuck right smack dab in the middle of crazy. Now crazy can mean several...