Running a scan for viruses/malware this morning for took just over a full hour. I posted earlier on...
Business Thoughts
making the best of disappointing situations
Perry's store was supposed to close yesterday for a rebuild and relaunch in early 2025. It didn't happen. In addition, his...
coffee makes everything better
Perry and I were talking last night about who invented coffee as a drink. Because inquiring minds want to know, I asked my...
extended computer work is hard on the eyes
Sad to admit this, but I didn't take time to even shower until day #3 after my recent server breach. I'm now clean and...
practice retirement: overview of the early days
So many people I know are retiring. Of course, that's a sign that I'm old -- especially since some of them are younger than...
it’s practice retirement time again
I'm back to practice retirement mode. I plan to take at least a few weeks downtime (most likely a couple months). Summers...
a non-expert prediction might still be valuable
I'm no futurist, but I've been around a long time. I'm an online creator of sorts, and spend more time working with/reading...
if only we could go back in time
Merida, my 4-legged shadow, follows me everywhere I go. My bathroom and closet is upstairs since I moved my personal items...
what happens when you don’t pay registrar fees
Too much to read note: The short answer is when you don't pay registrar fees your website goes dark and your email account...