I've been watching the RNC every evening. Because I've been securing my favorite brother to speak to groups around the...
being a pet owner is like being a sugar daddy
I guess the correct term in my instance is 'sugar momma.' No matter, the outcome is the same. You spend all your money...
a moment of national unity and celebration
Festivities abound across the country in celebration of the birth of the nation. Fireworks around here started before dusk...
farmers in the ville are celebrating today
We had over 2 inches of rainfall yesterday. Steady showers and storms caused the temp to go from around 90° to 69°. I know...
do you know what premium domains are?
Running a scan for viruses/malware this morning for whatifitdid.com took just over a full hour. I posted earlier on...
extended computer work is hard on the eyes
Sad to admit this, but I didn't take time to even shower until day #3 after my recent server breach. I'm now clean and...
train your dog to recognize weekends
Wouldn't it be great if you could train dogs to recognize weekends? I'm talking about the days that many humans have off...
you light your own birthday candles when you’re 41
We celebrated Coco's 14th birthday yesterday. Yes, it was late because she was with her Mom on her special day. We had...
practice retirement: overview of the early days
So many people I know are retiring. Of course, that's a sign that I'm old -- especially since some of them are younger than...