I let the hounds out before I went to bed around 2:00 AM. There's no freaking way they were simply dying to pee by 6:30 AM....
dirty feet don’t matter on concrete
See those dirty paws? Welp... there's 8 of those that touch every single clean floor in the house. Since we've had rain --...
i hit the lottery… the jury kind
I've been chosen as a juror for 2023. The full entire year of 2023 I will be required to serve my civic duty. Yes,...
barndo stairs claim first victim
In the slow burn of what I want to do to this place, reworking the stairway has always been a medium priority. Widening and...
what will you be doing in 2024?
Not gonna' lie -- I have no clue what I'll be doing in 2024. I do know what my favorite brother will be doing in February...
when good morning looks the same as good night
If mattresses weren't so heavy, my bedroom would be upstairs by tonight. When the view is the same when you go to bed as it...
you’re invited to a dance party in the dining room
I started decorating for Christmas in the dining room. The main entrance from outside is that room and it's the first place...
life in the outskirts of a frozen tundra
You know you're in Indiana when the low tonight is to be 19° and Thanksgiving is supposed to be close to 60°. Today, it's a...
i thought i was gonna blow up
I mentioned the other day that we started the wood furnace. I talked about how awesome it was and how I much I was in love...