Mr. Squirrel spends a great deal of time here when the hounds aren't paying attention. I mentioned him last week reference...
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night…
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night can keep Perry from creating amazing grilling experiences. Even rolling...
drink a green beer for me
Today is my Mom's birthday. She's 29 again. She says that getting older isn't so bad, and I totally agree. I'll soon be 77....
only if you want to feel miserable…
If you truly want to be miserable, set overwhelming goals to be accomplished tomorrow. Judging by my work-load, the economy...
Happy Valentine’s Day y’all!
I hope your day is fabulous. I hope it’s quite a treat. I hope you have an awesome day Filled with things so sweet. Blah....
a dog doesn’t care
“A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, big or small, young or old. She doesn't care if you're not smart, not popular,...
the art of racing in the rain
I log into in search of a book. For the record, I ordinarily gravitate toward some kind of crime novel. I have...
dogs love pizza too
Some people eat cold pizza for breakfast. I personally am not a fan of leftover pizza at all -- cold or hot. Libby? She...
large animals want kindness too
When the ASPCA commercials appear on television when I'm in the room, I turn my head, stick my fingers in my ears, and...