
the girls

The girls are beginning to bond. Libby doesn't run when Gracie gets within 10 feet of her like she did before. It was...

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say hi to Gracie!

I met Gracie last month on the wine tasting extravaganza. When I saw her, I'm pretty sure I was pretty sober -- and I liked...

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thinking about friends

Today my thoughts are with a couple of my friends -- both facing challenges that are totally different -- but challenges...

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catching up

Pretty busy around here so Libby has been trying to figure out ways to spend quality time with me. She figures if she reads...

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Today I wrote an article for Scott McKain's UCEzine that will go out to the masses tomorrow. It was basically all about...

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ready to go to bed?

Those 5 words are a few of Libby's favorites -- almost as good as Taco Bell and McDonalds. Isn't it awesome how a simple...

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a girlish figure

Libby is on a diet. The vet gently suggested that she would live 2 years longer if she weren't so damned fat. Here's the...

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