A few days ago I cut just over 4" off the back of my hair and about 2.5 inches from the front. I thought it made a pretty...
photo filters: katie and me reverse aging
I had a text conversation with Katie about someone we both know that included photos she'd grabbed from FB. The first one...
it’s so cold that flashers are only showing pictures
I guess they're saying today is the coldest day of the year. Since we're only 1/2 way through January, there's not a lot of...
snow totals in Sevierville, Fort Wayne, Rising Sun & Crothersville
I'm writing this after midnight so it's officially Saturday, but what I'm sharing is from last night -- which was less than...
a wet, snowy yard makes muddy footprints inside
Local schools are closed today. Closings were announced yesterday as soon as the winter weather warning came out. My...
a true meme about cohabitating with a dog
I ran across a meme that made me shake my head up and down in agreement. It said: Living with a dog is 90% following each...
there’s a snow dune in the driveway
Clear driveway after Fluff finished yesterday and I had the Mini out and about. Even the road in front of the barndo is...
are we there yet? More snow.
I got out of bed late this morning and the dogs were more than ready to take a trip (or 10) outside. Dharma has resorted to...
snowmageddon update: day #1 @1:00 PM ET
The snow hasn't stopped falling and we've already gotten over an inch... close to 3" maybe? We have 3 here at the barndo on...