I'm the person that can eat just about anywhere and find SOMETHING I like on the menu. Or on the table. So when invited to...
Food & Recipes
where is facebook going in that hand basket?
Another Facebook rant you might ask? Why, yes. Yes. It is. Facebook is a social networking website launched in February...
pinterest lies
Dear Pinterest: That thing you told me about cleaning my bathroom with a dryer sheet? WRONG. Dryer sheets will not clean...
it won’t be long now…
I'm so very blessed to have had the opportunity to spend a lot of special time with my granddaughter of late -- and I hope...
Betty Crocker I’m not… BUT…
I saw this recipe I thought I could handle and I don't even remember what the name of it was. But I can tell you how to...
where is a Honeybaked when you need one?
One of the disadvantages of living in rural Indiana is you have to actually MAKE mashed potatoes. I know I'm supposed to be...
the skies in indiana today are…
The skies in Indiana today are about as colorless as the photo below... Unlike colorless dull skies, the end result of a...
my inspiration folder
You may already have the same thing going... but just in case you don't, I want to share... I spend hours of every day in...
last night thoughts to share today
Last night I was thinking about the upcoming week -- mostly about how busy it was going to be, my dental appointment on...