Spent the day packing up stuff yesterday and I'll be doing the same today. I'm almost to the point that if I had a place to...
Home Improvement
i won’t put it on facebook
My buyers' realtor took photos after the closing. Because the girl buying my house had a procedure done to her nose, she...
it’s official… I’m homeless
The sale of the city house is complete and I've not yet purchased a place to live. I'm officially homeless. 😥 I don't have...
multiple short trips but not for fun
Yesterday, we had enough boxes packed to be in the way so we made a couple quick trips to the Ville to store them. The...
another packing day
I've been packing for days and have barely scratched the surface. I have no idea how many boxes are full, I just know that...
have you ever just popped awake?
I popped awake this morning at around 5:00 AM. It's not that I went to bed early or that anything woke me up -- my eyes...
save the date is a lie
After counting the days to my house closing, the date was changed. It's happening FIVE DAYS earlier. Homeless in less than...
two weeks from today
The Seymour house closing is exactly two weeks from today. The new house closing is also exactly two weeks from today. Not...
no longer homeless
So today, I did a thang. Not sure if I'm excited, or if it was a wise decision. I do know making large purchases makes me...