Pretty sure I could begin every post in the month of April and May with "today I did yardwork." Except for today... it...
Home Improvement
not a morning dog, let me sleep in
I'm not a morning person. Dharma is not a morning doggie. Nevertheless, we went outside and pulled weeds -- along with...
first iris to bloom this spring
I always feel accomplished when the yard has been mowed and everything has been trimmed. It's quite a bit more work here...
it’s easter and my last “winter” project is complete
Here we are... Easter Sunday. 🐣🐰 Dinner with my tiny family later today. Perry is smoking a cherry-glazed ham and I have...
occasionally, cheaper is better
Not long ago, I tried to save money on a rug pad and it was a huge mistake. I ate a couple hundred dollars for that error...
twenty thousand steps isn’t bad for an old lady
Yesterday, I headed outside to work in the yard around 9:00 AM and stopped close to 5:00 PM. During that time, I logged...
there’s a monster living under the deck
When I went to bed last night, no rain was in the forecast. I planned today for the start of spring yard work. Within...
a potted snake plant requires very little water to thrive
The sansevieria -- better known as mother-in-law tongue or snake plant -- originally came from Africa. I started out with...
our oxygen level was probably reduced by 10%
I understand that controlling vegetation along county roads is important for safety, but I think in Jackson County,...