The stairs at the barndo were created for children with feet less than 5" long. There are 15 of them in total. I went up...
lesson learned: do not plant morning glories
I took precautions -- I thought -- to plant my morning glory in a contained area to limit its spread. But that bad boy...
birds are thirsty when it’s hot
I need to change the sugary water in my hummingbird feeders, but hate to run off the little fairy-like creatures when...
what stage of life are you in?
I watched Biden's press conference tonight. I was left wondering what stage of life he's in... and what stage of life he...
tropical depression beryl is outta here
Yesterday started with a soft rain along with my first cup of coffee. It wasn't enough to make me feel good about not...
travel from an old person’s point of view
Katie's birthday was yesterday (happy birthday, Katie!), and I talked to her on the phone for a bit. She was telling me...
ai doesn’t always get it right
The platform I use for many of the websites I own, have created, and monitor, (Divi) recently released an update that...
phrases that will make others lose respect
You are NOT going to change someone's mind by insulting them. You're not! What's got my attention and my ire up is a meme...
you must get up early to capture sunrise photos
I'm not an early riser. After driving a school bus for years, I figure I've earned the right to sleep in. Driving a school...