Mr. Pesky's eye was lasered yesterday to remove a cataract and I took him to the appointment. I found his overall attitude...
when you don’t agree with an agenda
Most important thing first -- happy birthday to Alisa Lou! She's 39 with a few practice years. If she would run for Mayor...
twenty thousand steps isn’t bad for an old lady
Yesterday, I headed outside to work in the yard around 9:00 AM and stopped close to 5:00 PM. During that time, I logged...
there’s a monster living under the deck
When I went to bed last night, no rain was in the forecast. I planned today for the start of spring yard work. Within...
strategies to help light sleepers improve their sleep quality
Achieving restful and uninterrupted sleep can be challenging. It becomes harder as you grow older, and dogs and other...
happy my brother is moving instead of me
My favorite brother is pulling out of Las Vegas in 4 short days. They're now in panic mode trying to finish up in time....
march has a little bit of everything in indiana
It's another frosty morning in southern Indiana with more... you guessed it... WIND! That's right -- 35-40 mph winds...
a whole lot of life experiences
I am officially older than dirt today. A senior citizen even! I've learned from decades of challenges and successes, but...
a potted snake plant requires very little water to thrive
The sansevieria -- better known as mother-in-law tongue or snake plant -- originally came from Africa. I started out with...