Here we are... the eve of a New Year. I thought I was more than ready to usher in 2025 until I found out it's already got...
52 weeks of camera shy dogs
That's a wrap on 1 full year of weekly photos of my dogs. You know, the hounds that HATE it when I get my phone out to take...
are expired COVID tests accurate?
The answer is "no." They are not. I woke up 2 days ago feeling fine. By 11:00 AM, I was freezing! I rummaged around for the...
reflect and cherish the memories you made
I'm taking the next 4 days to simply enjoy the aftermath of Christmas. That translates to starting the decoration removal...
a christmas lesson learned the hard way
Christmas Eve was with my family at the barndo, and Christmas Day was spent with Perry's mom in Rising Sun. Of course,...
looking to buy a flashing neon sign for UPS and FedEx
Last week, my packages were delivered to the wrong address 3 times. Twice to the Villa where I lived for 100 years, and...
almost as many dogs as people for Christmas
I'm not sure how our family Christmas is going to shake out this year. Perry has to work Christmas Eve and so does Ben....
neutering is easier than spaying – for dogs and their moms
Hugo's surgery yesterday was no big deal at all. He's not even noticed what he no longer has, and I didn't spend the night...
my brain is programmed to despise early mornings
For years, (I don't even know how many), I drove a school bus. That required getting up at the ass crack of dawn 5 mornings...