Couldn't help but grab up the camera to take this shot... Ben can play piano, guitar (including 12 string) and bass -- he...
goodbye summer fish fry
Perry's family currently lives in Rising Sun, Indiana. Usually when I'm lucky enough to get to go with him to visit I take...
howl at the moon
Close to midnight, I slipped outside to grab a photo of the moon. From most every interpretation I've ran across insofar as...
who it’s all about…
First things first -- here's proof that I actually do know who it's all about (I'm not sure how I could look worse -- but...
dude has a death wish
Lookie who was back here this morning... dude has a death wish! After yesterday's post that featured this same rooster, I...
my weekend – in iPhone photos
The work week will officially be underway in about 20 minutes and I'm sitting here feeling guilty about doing NOTHING...
combining photography with decorating
Adobe's Kuler app (for android and iPhone) is every color nerd's dream. On the fly, you can capture color palettes --...
remy looks like my aunt irene
My Aunt Irene passed away a few years back, but she certainly lives on in her great-grandaughter, Remy. She and her mom,...
when you have to take photos in direct sunlight
My buddy, Alisa, called the other night to talk about photos she took of the golf team her favorite son plays on. Forced to...