Yesterday was another bad day in a row of bad days. It's been a long time since I've had so many challenges all at once....
it appears something has been keeping you up lately
I remain a fan of the Oura ring -- it's the best health tracker on the market in my opinion. Its battery lasts days and it...
you’ll never guess what sparked his career
Have you ever heard of crops being sprayed by drones? Me neither! But I have now... Mr. Farmer had a crop duster less than...
sharing photos: determining what aspect ratio to use
Every single post here for at least the last decade has included a photo. I starting this journal/blog at a time when...
sometimes bullies win
Here at the barndo, we have a bully problem... Pictured above is a #1 asshole that not only picked off one of the yellow...
lightroom makes pesky distractions disappear
When I opened Lightroom on my iPhone last night, there was a pop-up letting me know I had early access to the new...
quick comparison of iphone and android night photography
My fingers REALLY want to type about my thoughts on current events -- especially the opening ceremony of the Olympics --...
hummingbirds this year are smaller than last year
I keep a full hummingbird feeder here all the time. While the Pesky Neighbors -- and even my friend in Scipio -- have...
what’s up with the cooler evenings?
Evening temps were down in the low 60's for several days, leading up to last night when it finally stayed above 70°. Cool...