Blowing snow and frigid temps in the burg. Forecast is calling for -10 F windchill tonight and the local school system has...
you gotta move
Almost everything that I pick up to read right now has something to say about our current economic climate. It's been scary...
I've got a bunch of stuff to share today, and none of it fits together. Sift through the rambling and pick out something...
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. -Albert Einstein
worst time of the year
The upcoming months are my least favorite time of the year. Don't get me wrong - I love snow. I can deal with the cooler...
Today as I reflect on the Christmas holiday that is now nothing but a memory, I am in awe of how family structures make...
it’s beginning to look…
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas Soon the bells will start And the thing that will make them ring Is the carol...
Lookie Lookie!
Proof that some people like it -- and some just don't. 😉