Reuters: “Donald Trump will be sworn in as US president today. The ceremony completes a triumphant comeback after surviving...
Random Thoughts
photo filters: katie and me reverse aging
I had a text conversation with Katie about someone we both know that included photos she'd grabbed from FB. The first one...
unlike humans, dogs can sleep anywhere they feel safe
I've had a couple nights in a row where I simply didn't get enough sleep. And rather than give it up and go to bed early...
i’ve got concerns about elon for 2 reasons
This is not a Democrat VS Republican post. It's not! I promise. I'm a gamer. Some like to crochet or knit; others love to...
are expired COVID tests accurate?
The answer is "no." They are not. I woke up 2 days ago feeling fine. By 11:00 AM, I was freezing! I rummaged around for the...
how far would you go to protect your home and family?
In the wee hours of the morning yesterday (3:48 AM), a homeowner in Madison, IN, called 911 and advised Jefferson County...
happy christmas eve — the most hectic day of the year
Christmas Eve for me is always hectic. I've hosted family Christmas on Christmas Eve for years... except that one time Ben...
i will not be buying a PS5 this Christmas
Crazy Walmart story incoming because my name is NOT Diane Rimes... It all started with 3 odd Walmart text messages with the...
looking to buy a flashing neon sign for UPS and FedEx
Last week, my packages were delivered to the wrong address 3 times. Twice to the Villa where I lived for 100 years, and...