I did an online grocery order this morning. I forgot 2 items and went back to add them to my already completed cart....
Random Thoughts
have some people lost their minds?
Bernie Sanders held a rally on 3/7/25 at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside in Kenosha, WI. There were around 3500 that...
in the morning, we’ll be skipping 2:00 AM
At 2:00 AM our clocks in Indiana spring forward to 3:00 AM. I'm not a fan of daylight savings time, but it's not something...
as a politician i would never sleep
I wasn't a fan of government in high school and I thought it was because I didn't like listening to lectures and taking...
sweet honesty — 100% not political
I ran across a meme that showed a spray bottle of raspberry spritz and a pack of Marlboro cigarettes. The accompanying text...
good grief, Indiana, do better
Because the Hoosier state is my home, I'm always drawn to anything "Indiana" when reading national news. Yesterday, the two...
tuesday randomness on the verge of springtime
Today, I'll be throwing out thoughts that form a totally random post about nothing. First... It won't be long until we...
combovers are back in style if you’re in junior high
Coco had a major case of bed head this morning as she was enjoying breakfast here at the barndo. I asked her what the deal...
list 5 bullet points of what you accomplished last week
There are news articles circulating that say federal employees are to be sent the following in email: "Please reply to this...