I'm not an early riser. After driving a school bus for years, I figure I've earned the right to sleep in. Driving a school...
Random Thoughts
sometimes your junk can benefit others
When we moved from Seymour back to the outskirts of Crothersville, we contemplated putting the living room furniture in the...
what i learned from the presidental debate
I watched the presidential debate from start to finish. At the end of it all, I didn't change my opinion on either...
planning a mental health day isn’t easy
ChatGPT offers suggestions on what you can ask it to do for you. Help you study for an exam... stuff like that. The...
do you know what premium domains are?
Running a scan for viruses/malware this morning for whatifitdid.com took just over a full hour. I posted earlier on...
a gorgeous day to soak in sun
It may be 4 days to summer but you'd never know it in my slice of world. A gorgeous day (even with an air quality alert) to...
practice retirement: overview of the early days
So many people I know are retiring. Of course, that's a sign that I'm old -- especially since some of them are younger than...
summer will be here in less than 20 days
It's not officially summer until June 20th, but we're geared up and ready right now. I'm about to share FOUR "firsts" as we...
my nanny’s old time sayings are still true today
My Nanny was born in 1911 and lived a whole lot of years before she passed in 2009. It's seems unimaginable that she's been...