Back in the day, my dogs always got a nail trim at the vet's office. They no longer offer that service and since labs don't...
Random Thoughts
holiday birthdays are the best
My favorite brother's birthday is on election day (November 4th). Mine is on St. Patrick's Day (March 17th). My pap-pa's...
Katie is now a Tennessean… or a butternut…
I knew people from Tennessee are called Tennesseans, but I didn't know they're also known as Volunteers, Big Benders or...
We don’t start the show because we’re ready
Joe Calloway, a friend and former speaker, has shared one story on Facebook more than a few times throughout the years. I...
a non-expert prediction might still be valuable
I'm no futurist, but I've been around a long time. I'm an online creator of sorts, and spend more time working with/reading...
sacrifices and unwavering love never go unnoticed
Yesterday was Mother's Day -- if you're a Momma, I hope it was wonderful. If you're not a Momma, I hope you recognized...
a mother’s day gift from a non-daughter
This upcoming Sunday is Mother's Day. My Momma already picked out a snowball bush from me and it's been planted for several...
how to tell if you’re being played by a dog
Dharma was diagnosed with bad hips at her first vet appointment. The Purdue experts said her condition wasn't bad enough at...
did your momma teach you this one?
The experiences, lessons, and influences we encounter in our formative years significantly shape our perspectives, beliefs,...